Accordion Upcoming Events showing only Today’s Events
With the Accordion Upcoming Events, shortcode and Upcoming Events Widget shortcode you can now add the date attribute with the value today and it will show only today’s events.
date: Add the value today and the shortcode will only output today’s events.
Please notice that the date attribute with the today value does not support using External Event Sources. This means you should also add the feed=”0″ attribute.
[rhc_static_upcoming_events template="widget_custom_accordion.php" number="10" header="btn_tax_calendar,btn_tax_organizer" horizon="hour" words="100" date="today" date_format="MMM d, yyyy" time_format="h:mm tt" order="ASC" post_type="events" showimage="1" feed="0" nav="1" auw_title_type="1" hierarchical_filter="1" terms_hide_empty="1" tax_filter_multiple="0" no_events_message="Sorry, but there are no events today."]
Sorry, but there are no events today.
In the example below we have just stripped the shortcode and kept the attributes to a minimum.
[rhc_static_upcoming_events template="widget_custom_accordion.php" post_type="events" feed="0" date="today"]