Advent Calendar for Calendarize it!

An Advent Calendar is a special calendar used to count or celebrate the days in anticipation of Christmas. Since the date of the first Sunday of Advent varies, falling between November 27 and December 3 inclusive, the Advent calendar usually begins on December 1, although many include the previous few days that are part of the season.
The Advent Calendar add-on is completely integrated in Calendarize it!, and uses it’s own advent custom post type. This way you can easily only show the Advent events.
You don’t necessarily need to use the Advent Calendar to create a traditional Christmas Advent Calendar. You can use it as a countdown to any notable thing or event. You can easily set the start date and end date.
We have included 25 beautifully crafted Xmas icons specially designed for the Advent Calendar, and 25 cute snowflake icons, which you can use when you create your Advent Calendar. Of course, you can also use your own pictures if you like.
Just like Calendarize it! we have made the Advent Calendar very flexible so that you can use this for more than just a traditional advent calendar. Hope you like it!
You can use the following attributes in the shortcode
- advent_start: This attribute is for setting the start date for the first day in the Advent calendar. Example advent_start=”2021-12-01″
- advent_end: This attribute is for setting the end date for the last day in the Advent calendar.
Example advent_end=”2021-12-25″ or if you are in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland you would use Christmas Eve as the end date “2021-12-24”. - month_event_image: This attribute is for turning on the Month View Image, which can be set for each individual event. This attribute accepts an integer value of “0” or “1”. If you use “1” the Month View image will show.
- matchbackground: This attribute is for setting the color of the entire cell (day) in Month View. This attribute accepts an integer value of “1”.
- advent_background_color: This allows you to set the color of the overlay on the day. This attribute accepts a Hex Color Code.
- advent_color: This attribute is for setting the color of the date. This attribute accepts a Hex Color Code.
- advent_animation: This attribute is for adding animation to the overlay. This attribute accepts the values “door” (This will add a door, which opens when clicked), “slide”, “slide advent_right”, “slide advent_top” and “slide advent_bottom”.
- advent_images: This attribute allows you to add custom images to the Advent Calendar overlay. This attribute accepts comma separated complete URLs to images.
- tooltip_disable_title_link: This attribute allows you to disable the Title Link in the tool. This is useful if you do not want visitors to go to the Advent Event Details Page. This attribute accepts an integer value of “1” (Adding “1” will disable the tooltip Title Link).
- tooltip_image: This attribute allows you to disable the Tooltip Image. This attribute accepts an integer value of “0” (Adding “0” will disable the tooltip Image). If you have set a default tooltip image in Options > Media Settings, this attribute will allow you to not show the default image. If you add your own Featured Event Image this will overwrite the default image.
No animation
In order to create the Advent Calendar above we have inserted the Calendarize it! shortcode with the following attributes.
[calendarizeit advent_start="2017-12-01" advent_end="2017-12-25" feed="0" month_event_image="1" matchbackground="1" advent_background_color="#bdc3c7" advent_color="#000000" taxonomy="calendar" tooltip_disable_title_link="1" tooltip_image="0" header_left="" header_center="title" header_right="" icalendar="0" advent_animation="" advent_images=",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"]
Door animation
In order to create the Advent Calendar above we have inserted the Calendarize it! shortcode with the following attributes.
[calendarizeit advent_start="2017-12-01" advent_end="2017-12-25" feed="0" month_event_image="1" matchbackground="1" advent_animation="door" advent_images="" tooltip_disable_title_link="1" advent_background_color="#e74c3c" header_left="" header_center="title" header_right="" icalendar="0"]
Simple slides – default – left
In order to create the Advent Calendar above we have inserted the Calendarize it! shortcode with the following attributes.
[calendarizeit advent_start="2017-12-01" advent_end="2017-12-25" feed="0" month_event_image="1" matchbackground="1" tooltip_disable_title_link="1" advent_animation="slide" header_left="" header_center="title" header_right="" icalendar="0"]
Simple slides – slide right
In order to create the Advent Calendar above we have inserted the Calendarize it! shortcode with the following attributes.
[calendarizeit advent_start="2017-12-01" advent_end="2017-12-25" feed="0" month_event_image="1" matchbackground="1" tooltip_disable_title_link="1" advent_animation="slide advent_right" header_left="" header_center="title" header_right="" icalendar="0"]
Simple slides – slide top
In order to create the Advent Calendar above we have inserted the Calendarize it! shortcode with the following attributes.
[calendarizeit advent_start="2017-12-01" advent_end="2017-12-25" feed="0" month_event_image="1" matchbackground="1" tooltip_disable_title_link="1" advent_animation="slide advent_top" header_left="" header_center="title" header_right="" icalendar="0"]
Simple slides – slide bottom
In order to create the Advent Calendar above we have inserted the Calendarize it! shortcode with the following attributes.
[calendarizeit advent_start="2017-12-01" advent_end="2017-12-25" feed="0" month_event_image="1" matchbackground="1" tooltip_disable_title_link="1" advent_animation="slide advent_bottom" header_left="" header_center="title" header_right="" icalendar="0"]