Timetable for Calendarize it!

Timetable for Calendarize it!

Timetable is a free add-on for Calendarize it! It is built on the foundation of our popular and powerful Calendarize it! plugin.

Easily create Timetable views of your events. Use it for Yoga Classes, Spinning Classes, Gym Classes, School Classes, College Schedules, Office Schedules, Meal Plans, Kindergarten and Pre-K Schedules, Workout Schedules… you name it.

Timetable for Calendarize it!
Timetable for Calendarize it!

The shortcode allows for the following attributes:

  • defaultview: Determines which view to load. You can use the following values agendaWeek, basicWeek or month.
  • timetable: Determines which template you want to use. Currently, we have four templates to choose from: timetable, timetable_b,
    swap_time_title, swap_time_title_b.
  • gotodate: Determines which week or month is loaded. Use the syntax YYYY-MM-DD.
  • calendar: Determines which calendar Taxonomy add the name of the calendar you want to display. Remember to use the slug name.
  • alldayslot: Determines if the All Day Slot in the Week or Day view is visible or hidden. Values allowed are 0 and 1. Using 0 will hide the All Day Slot.
  • slotminutes: Determines the frequency for displaying time slots, in minutes. In our examples, we have used the value 15.
  • firsthour: Determines the first hour that will be visible in the scroll pane. Please notice if the scroll is disabled setting this won’t make a difference.
  • mintime: Determines the first hour/time that will be displayed, even when the scrollbars have been scrolled all the way up.
  • maxtime: Determines the last hour/time (exclusively) that will be displayed, even when the scrollbars have been scrolled all the way down.
  • hiddendays: Determines which days-of-the-week to exclude from the view. The following values can be used: Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2, Wednesday = 3, Thursday = 4, Friday = 5, Saturday = 6.
  • timetable_time_format: Determines the time format used in the Timetable. Supports both 24-hour and 12-hourt time format. Use h:mm tt, hh:mm tt, h:mm TT or h:mm TT for the 12-hour format am or AM. Use HH:mm or H:mm for the 24-hour format.
  • axisformat: Determines the time-text that will be displayed on the vertical axis of the agenda views. Look above for values to use
  • event_click: Determines whether the Tooltip appears when an event is clicked in the Timetable. If you add the value fc_click_no_action this will disable the Tooltip and the visitor will not be able to go to the Event Details Page.
  • tooltip_image: Determine whether the Event Featured Image will appear in the tooltip. By default, it will appear. If you use the value 0 it will not appear.
  • header_left:  This is the left navigation area above the Timetable. You can insert the values in any of the three navigation areas. The defaults are set in Options > Calendarize Shortcode tab. If you add values this will overwrite the defaults. Possible values: rhc_search prevYear,prev,next,nextYear today. You can also add the Taxonomy Filter (drop down). 
  • header_right: This is the right navigation area above the Timetable. You can insert the values in any of the three navigation areas. The defaults are set in Options > Calendarize Shortcode tab. If you add values this will overwrite the defaults.
  • header_center: This is the center navigation area above the Timetable. You can insert the values in any of the three navigation areas. The defaults are set in Options > Calendarize Shortcode tab. If you add values this will overwrite the defaults.

Please notice that if NO values are added for each of the attributes the default values from the Options > Calendarize Shortcode tab will be applied to each.

1. Agenda Week View

The Timetable is set to Agenda View and displays the Gym Schedule calendar taxonomy and uses the template which shows the time in two lines.

[calendarizeit class="rhc-timetable" defaultview="agendaWeek" timetable="timetable" gotodate="2017-05-22" calendar="gym-schedule" alldayslot="0" slotminutes="15" firsthour="5" mintime="5" maxtime="14"  hiddendays="0,6" event_click="fc_click_no_action" header_left="prev,next btn_tax_class" header_right="title" header_center="" timetable_time_format="hh:mm tt" term_post_count="1" feed="0"]

2. Basic Week View

The Timetable is set to Basic View and displays the Gym Schedule calendar taxonomy and uses the template which shows the time in two lines. In Basic View no events will take up more space nor will they overlap if they share the timeslot. This can be useful if you have entries sharing a timeslot.

We have also taken advantage of using the Taxonomy Filter add-on (free), which allows you to add drop down menus based on the Taxonomies used.

[calendarizeit class="rhc-timetable" defaultview="basicWeek" timetable="timetable" gotodate="2017-05-22" calendar="gym-schedule" hiddendays="0,6" event_click="fc_click_no_action" header_left="prev,next btn_tax_class" header_right="title" header_center="" timetable_time_format="HH:mm" feed="0"]

3. Basic Week View

The Timetable is set to Basic View and displays the School Schedule calendar taxonomy and uses the template which shows the time in two lines. In Basic View no events will take up more space nor will they overlap if they share the timeslot. This can be useful if you have entries sharing a timeslot.

We have also taken advantage of using the Taxonomy Filter add-on (free), which allows you to add drop down menus based on the Taxonomies used.

[calendarizeit class="rhc-timetable" defaultview="basicWeek" timetable="timetable" gotodate="2017-05-22" calendar="school-schedule" hiddendays="0,6" event_click="fc_click_no_action" header_left="prev,next btn_tax_schoolschedule" header_right="title" header_center="" timetable_time_format="h:mm tt" feed="0"]

4. Agenda Week View

The Timetable is set to Agenda View and displays the School Schedule calendar taxonomy and uses the template which shows the time in two lines. We have also taken advantage of using the Taxonomy Filter add-on (free), which allows you to add drop down menus based on the Taxonomies used.

[calendarizeit class="rhc-timetable" defaultview="agendaWeek" timetable="timetable" gotodate="2017-05-22" calendar="school-schedule" alldayslot="0" slotminutes="15" firsthour="8" mintime="8" maxtime="14" hiddendays="0,6" event_click="fc_click_no_action" header_left="prev,next btn_tax_schoolschedule" header_right="title" header_center="" timetable_time_format="HH:mm" axisformat="HH:mm" feed="0"]

5. Month View

The Timetable is set to Month View and displays the Gym Schedule calendar taxonomy and uses the template which shows the time in two lines. We have also taken advantage of using the Taxonomy Filter add-on (free), which allows you to add drop down menus based on the Taxonomies used.

[calendarizeit class="rhc-timetable" defaultview="month" gotodate="2017-05-01" timetable="swap_time_title" calendar="gym-schedule" hiddendays="0,6" timetable_time_format="HH:mm" tooltip_image="0" header_left="prev,next btn_tax_class" header_right="title" header_center="" feed="0"]

6. Agenda Week View

The Timetable is set to Agenda View and displays the Gym Schedule calendar taxonomy and uses the template which shows the time in one line. We have also taken advantage of using the Taxonomy Filter add-on (free), which allows you to add drop down menus based on the Taxonomies used.

[calendarizeit class="rhc-timetable" defaultview="agendaWeek" gotodate="2017-05-22" timetable="timetable_b" calendar="gym-schedule" alldayslot="0" slotminutes="15" firsthour="5" mintime="5" maxtime="14" hiddendays="0,6" header_left="prev,next btn_tax_class" header_right="title" header_center="" tooltip_image="0" timetable_time_format="HH:mm" axisformat="HH:mm" feed="0"]

7. Agenda Week View

The Timetable is set to Agenda View and displays the Gym Schedule calendar taxonomy and uses the template which shows the time in one line and doesn’t show the Taxonomy name. We have also taken advantage of using the Taxonomy Filter add-on (free), which allows you to add drop down menus based on the Taxonomies used.

[calendarizeit class="rhc-timetable" defaultview="agendaWeek" gotodate="2017-05-22" timetable="swap_time_title_b" calendar="gym-schedule" alldayslot="0" slotminutes="15" firsthour="5" mintime="5" maxtime="14" hiddendays="0,6" timetable_time_format="h:mm tt" tooltip_image="0" header_left="prev,next btn_tax_class" header_right="title" header_center="" feed="0"]

8. Basic Week View

The Timetable is set to Basic View and displays the Gym Schedule calendar taxonomy and uses the template which shows the time in one line and doesn’t show the Taxonomy name. In Basic View no events will take up more space nor will they overlap if they share the timeslot. This can be useful if you have entries sharing a timeslot.

We have also taken advantage of using the Taxonomy Filter add-on (free), which allows you to add drop down menus based on the Taxonomies used.

[calendarizeit class="rhc-timetable" defaultview="basicWeek" gotodate="2017-05-22" timetable="swap_time_title_b" calendar="gym-schedule" hiddendays="0,6" timetable_time_format="h:mm tt" tooltip_image="0" header_left="prev,next btn_tax_class" header_right="title" header_center="" feed="0"]


Version – June 4, 2017

  • First release