If you do not have WPBakery Page Builder and you are not a developer, and you are looking to create more advanced layouts than you can do with our default layout builder in Calendarize it! you can still do this by using the advanced shortcodes and attributes in this example. It is especially helpful for customers who use other popular Page and Layout Builders like Beaver Builder, Divi Builder, Elementor, Fusion Builder, and Themify Builder.
When you build your layout using your favorite layout builder you can use any elements from your layout builder with the shortcodes and attributes below. If you create an Event Template which is going to automatically pull the content from the event you should not use the post_id attribute (or leave it empty), we used it in this example to show data from a specific event.
Please notice that the organizer_loop and venue_loop shortcodes are used if you want to display multiple Organizers and Venues for a single event. If only one Organizer and one Venue have been assigned only one value will show.
This is the shortcodes and values used to output the content shown below.
[rhc_title post_id="79483"] [CONTENT post_id="79483"] [rhc_description post_id="79483"] [rhc_label label="Event Details"] [rhc_start post_id="79483" label="Start Date & Time " date_format="F j, Y" time_format=" H:i"] [rhc_end post_id="79483" label="End Date & Time " date_format="F j, Y" time_format=" H:i"] [rhc_calendar_term post_id="79483"] [rhc_organizer_loop post_id="79483"] [rhc_label label="Organizer Details"] [rhc_organizer_term post_id="79483"] [rhc_organizer_meta_info_cell field="phone" label="Phone" post_id="70107"] [rhc_organizer_meta_info_cell field="email" label="Email" post_id="70107"] [rhc_organizer_website] [/rhc_organizer_loop]
Start Date & Time December 30, 2022 13:00
End Date & Time December 30, 2022 18:00
These shortcodes can be used in the Event Template and will render images when used in the Event Template.
[rhc_image custom="rhc_tooltip_image"] [rhc_image custom="rhc_dbox_image"] [rhc_image] (this will automatically pull the Top Event Page Image)
This is the shortcodes and values used to output the content shown below.
[rhc_venue_loop post_id="79483"] [rhc_label label="Venue Details"] [rhc_venue_term] [rhc_venue_meta_info_cell field="address" label="Address"] [rhc_venue_meta_info_cell field="city" label="City"] [rhc_venue_meta_info_cell field="state" label="State"] [rhc_venue_meta_info_cell field="zip" label="Zip Code"] [rhc_venue_meta_info_cell field="country" label="Country"] [rhc_label label="Information"] [rhc_venue_meta_info_cell field="phone" label="Phone"] [rhc_venue_meta_info_cell field="email" label="Email"] [rhc_venue_website] [rhc_gmap zoom="15"] [/rhc_venue_loop]
Address43 East 7th Street
CityNew York
Zip Code10003
CountryUnited States